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Barbering Certificate

Guillot, Sheila K.
Chair of Business and Industrial Technology
Sheila McCarthy Umphrey Industrial Technology Center, Office 201B
(409) 984-6381

Brandon Harrison
Adjunct Instructor
Cosmetology Building, Room 116
(409) 984-6418

The Barbering Certificate will give you the skills and confidence to excel as a professional barber. You’ll approach the state licensing examinations backed by hands-on, industry-relevant experience. Learn and perform the classic skills, newest techniques and hands-on experience you will need to be a professional barber, as well as the business skills and management preparation to launch a successful career.

Recommended Program of Study
Course Title SCH
First Semester
BARB 1402 Barber Styling I 4
BARB 1404 Introduction to Barber Styling 4
BARB 1442 Barber Styling II 4
BARB 2432 Barber Law and Shop Management I 4
Second Semester
BARB 2402 Barber Styling III 4
BARB 2431 Advanced Barber Styling I 4
BARB 2440 Preparation for the State Licensing Examination 4
Total 28

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